Purpose: This is outline document for cloning E-BIZ Suite that is integrated with OID (10gAS)
Step 1: Before cleaning up the file-system on target(say TEST), You should de-register the OID server that current system is using
Below command will be able to achieve same:
txkrun.pl -script=SetSSOReg -deregisteroid=Yes (at $FND_TOP/bin)
Step 2: Cleanup File-system, restore backup and follow normal cloning process( i.e. cloning process for standalone E-BIZ suite)
Step 3: Remove Source system(ACCT) references from various tables/config files on newly cloned environment
Below command will be able to achieve same:
txkrun.pl -script=SetSSOReg -removereferences=yes (at $FND_TOP/bin)
Step 4: Update fnd_user table and make user_guid for all user to null. It can be achieved in two ways:
(i) Create a script that should be capable of running $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/fndssouu.sql by passing username for all users defined in fnd_user as parameter. fndssouu.sql will solve two purposes, one is making user_guid column of user null in fnd_user, secondly clearing workflow related cache for that user from the system.
(ii) This approach is simple but above one is best( update user_guid column of fnd_user table to null)
Step 5: Now cloning is done, next thing is to register newly cloned environment with existing development OID server. Below mentioned script will help you in achieving same:
txkrun.pl -script=SetSSOReg -registeroid=Yes -provtmp=$FND_TOP/admin/template/ProvBiDirection.tmp
This script will ask you for different parameter.
Note: ORASSO password can be recovered by running following command on OID server:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h
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