Monday, April 11, 2011

11i:- Issues after applying ATG RUP7 -- Part 3

  • Issue:- After applying ATG RUP7 end-dated users were not able to login after reactivating them.

  • Error:- "oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException( oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest("

  • Cause:- The issue occurs if the two tables wf_local_user_roles and wf_user_role_assignments are not is synch. But we are bit worried as why these table are not getting updated as soon as user end date is removed. This was working fine in RUP6 instance.

  • Temporary workaround :- is below but this needs to be done after every occurunce of user end date removal and that was real pain:-

1. Run the concurrent program below in 2 passes and then bounce Apache:

1.1 "Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation" Parameters : 100000, Yes, No, No.

1.2 "Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation" Parameters : 100000, No, Yes, No"

2. Bounce Apache (This step is not ALWAYS required. You may want to test after completing 1.1 and 1.2 to see if the problem is fixed before bouncing.)

  • Permanent Resolution:-

  1. Go to Workflow Administrator Web Applications

  2. Go to Administrator Workflow --> Business Events

  3. Search for subcription event

  4. Click on Subscription.

  5. Click on Pencil button against wf_sso.user_create_rf to disable it.

  6. Save changes and replicate the issue.

11i:- Issues after applying ATG RUP7 -- Part 2

  • Issue:- After applying ATG RUP7 Users were not able to approve/reject workflows via email response.

  • Cause:- Inbound mailer was unable to process user mails. The ATG RUP7 version of Workflow Mailer module has been having several issues concerning to the email responses. There were found multiple problems. I checked workflow logs to check as what is the cause behind it. Error i found in workflow log was:-

"[Apr 2, 2011 8:58:07 AM BST]:1301731087867:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup]:0:-1:XXXX:-1:-1:UNEXPECTED:[SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-109454-10004 :]:Unable to connect to mail store"

Error somewhat suggested as connectivity issue between mailer node and IMAP server. We checked the connectivity but their was no . Then we enabled workflow logs at STATEMENT level to reach error stack:- use below steps for doing same:-

  1. Enable debug for Mailer Service Component :In OAM : Site Map / Notification Mailer / Edit / Advanced / Go to Step 2 / Change "Log Level" to "Statement"Apply change.

  2. Bounce Mailer Container to force generation of a fresh log :In OAM : Site Map / Notification Mailer / Click on "Workflow Mailer Service" in "Container" columnOnce in containers page, select the "Workflow Mailer Service", then Stop. Refresh page until status becomes Deactivated. Then Start. Refresh page until status becomes Activated.

  3. Use below script to identify log file name/path.:-

SELECT fcp.logfile_nameFROM fnd_concurrent_queues fcq, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp, fnd_lookups flkupWHERE concurrent_queue_name in ('WFMLRSVC')AND fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_idAND fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_idAND flkup.lookup_code=fcp.process_status_codeAND lookup_type ='CP_PROCESS_STATUS_CODE'AND meaning='Active';.

On close investigation of log file we saw error like :- " [Apr 2, 2011 1:52:51 PM BST]:1301748771561:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup]:0:-1::XXXXX:-1:-1:UNEXPECTED:[SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-109510-10004 :]:Problem encounted when handling an unsolicited email -> Error in encoded stream, got 1".

  • Resolution:- Searched error code on metalink and got a hit for noteid:- 974088.1 and their i found refrence for patch 9383048. Issue has been resolved by above patch.

11i:- Issues after applying ATG RUP7 -- Part 1

As part of pre-req to 2010-2011 payroll patches oracle suggested to apply HRMS Family Pack K Rollup 5 and one of the pre-req for rollup 5 is ATG RUP7. We faced lot of issues after applying RUP7 and some of them are still undocumented in known issues document for this patch. I am highlighting only those issues which we faced after applying it and could not found it in known issue document for this patch.

  • Issue:- After applying ATG RUP7 system priv 'SELECT ANY DICTIONARY' was missing from apps user. This issue can be because of AD minipack I.7.

  • Resolution:- Grant 'SELECT ANY DICTIONARY' to apps using sysdba.